About Guildford in Bloom
Blooming the Guildford area since 1981
Guildford in Bloom aims to involve the whole community - including businesses and residents, to create biodiverse pockets across the area to encourage and protect our wildlife.
Founded in 1981, Guildford in Bloom holds an annual gardening competition which is open to all residents, businesses and community groups to enter. The aim is to encourage good horticultural practice, sustainability, and encouraging wildlife.
The annual Guildford Schools in Bloom Competition encourages children to get involved in gardening and the outdoors. This helps children to learn how things grow and where food comes from and a school garden can be interpreted in several areas of the curriculum and helps to promote wellbeing.

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Outside of opening hours contact us on social media